You have to start somewhere. At least that’s what Zechariah 4:10 says. God smiles when He sees you begin to do His work. I think I’m onto God, or at least I have sort of figured out exactly why He’s smiling even though I’m struggling to get any kind of momentum. See, God is able to see not only the current picture of what is, but He can also see the potential of what is coming, and result of what will be. He’s smiling because now that you’ve began, He can build. He can. You’ve given Him something to work with.

I’ve heard more people say in the past few days that their 2011 resolution is to have no resolutions. I get it. I really do. Instead of setting some semi-generic goal to lose, gain, conquer, drop, add, marry, stop, earn _______ , only to blow it about a week/month later, you win by default by not setting a goal to begin with. Um, ok.


You can start 2011 by seeking God and simply asking God, “what would you have me to do in 2011?” Remember, God always honors faith. It also makes Him smile. It’s just that before you step out, make sure it’s something He has told you to do. That’s kind of important.

Here are two simple goals I’ve set for myself in 2011.

1. Read the Bible every day. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve set a goal to read the Bible in a year, only to fall behind about 300 chapters in about a week. Uh, no thanks. This year, I’m keeping it simple. I want God to speak to me through His Word. Just a verse. Just a line. I want to be in a position to grow and hear Him.

2. Read one book a month. I’m notorious for picking up a book, reading about 4 chapters and setting it down. I find another book and repeat the process. At one time I may be reading 8 different books simultaneously but fail to finish any of them. READ FAIL. This year I’m keeping it simple. One book a month. Right now I’m reading “Church Planter” by Darrin Patrick.

I’m reminded that it’s not always the big changes that make the most difference. It’s the little changes, the small habits that you develop that make us who we are. You could be one small decision from living a completely different better life!

Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started, no matter how small it seems.

One thought on “2011

  1. Good post. I’m one of those people who chose to not make
    any resolutions, but this makes me change my mind. I agree with you
    that it’s important to seek God as to what His plans are for my
    life this year. So, maybe instead of a new resolution, I’ll look at
    it as more of a vision alignment.

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